Mormon and Gay Convert – Is He Nuts?

On Cedar Fort Publishing & Media’s Website

Why would a gay man become Mormon? 

On October 11th, 1989, Dennis was watching the Oprah Winfrey Show with his mother. The show that day was about members of the LGBT community

and coming out. Dennis writes about this moment in his book, Is He Nuts? Why a Gay Man Would Become a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Sister Missionaries Who Prayed for a Walk-in Sister Esplin and Tumlinson 

My mom wrinkled her nose. “They are all going to hell. This is so disgusting.”

I looked over at her and stopped myself from rolling my eyes. “Really? You think that’s disgusting?”

“Yes, I do. They’re going to hell. It’s in the Bible.” She stopped and stared hard at me. “You’re gay, aren’t you.”

It was a statement, not a question. I hesitated, but I had nothing else to say.

“Yes.” “I knew it!” she burst out. “I always knew it! Your father is going to be livid when he gets home!” I wasn’t there when he got home.

My mother wasn’t the only person to figure it out.

Two weeks later, Dennis was attacked by 5 boys at his school.

Through those experiences and so many others, Dennis was determined. “In so many ways, I decided to be a survivor, not a victim, and to use the journey of my life as a source of inspiration to help others in similar situations.”

In 2014, Dennis, who had grown up a member of the Congregational church, was church hopping. It also happened to be the year that he met members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons) for the first time. In his own words, Dennis says:

I had never met a member of the Church except for the poor missionaries who had my door repeatedly slammed in their faces. So I was shocked that my sexual identity didn’t seem to bother these Mormons I worked with.

From that point on, Dennis learned more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He visited the Sacred Grove with friends, attended sacrament meeting, met with the missionaries, and studied the Book of Mormon.

I had been studying the Book of Mormon for only thirty days. I didn’t understand everything, nor did I need to. It’s not a book you read one time—you read and ponder it every day, and through constant scripture study you will gain further knowledge and insight.

On August 19, 2017, Dennis was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints. On that day, he was officially Mormon and gay.

Roadblocks, challenges, trials, tribulations—whatever you want to call them, we’re all going to have them. It’s a fact of life. It’s what we do when we’re faced with them that matters. We can give up and be defeated. Or we can use them to grow and become stronger. I believe and know in my heart that God is there for every one of us.

Dennis now serves as a ward mission leader, assisting sisters and elders throughout New England to better understand how to work with the LGBTQ community, creating a better understating amongst all people.

To contact Dennis or schedule him for a speaking engagement, visit his website ( Purchase his book, Is He Nuts?: Why a Gay Man Would Become a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ, at Deseret Books.

Reviews for Is He Nuts?

“As an active Latter-day Saint mother of an openly gay son, I was moved by Dennis’s story and the pure love of Christ. A must-read for all who are seeking to walk in the shoes of another.” ~ Becky Mackintsoh

“I devoured this book the day after it arrived. I am now passing it on to my teenage children to read.”

“His experiences and testimony are truly a light in this world and I believe his story will help many both in the LDS church and out of it.”

“This book is revolutionary, groundbreaking, transformative and much needed for anyone looking for a great story.”

By Nancy Ayry – Dennis teaches me how to love, forgive. He teaches me that sometimes you’ll do things you NEVER thought you’d do! Shows me what true ministering is.

Nancy Ayre September Shoutout for Dennis Schleicher

September Shoutout by Nancy Ayry – Every day in the month of September I would like to give a shoutout to one person that I see is making a positive difference in the world. 🌎 ❤️
Dennis Schleicher – he is everyone’s best friend. You can’t help but love him the minute you connect with him. He’s full of enthusiasm and love, kindness and sincerity. Dennis is a writer, lifestyle reporter, crisis counselor, network marketer, and motivational speaker.
When Dennis was a teenager in the 1980’s, he was brutally attacked by several boys in the men’s room at school because they figured he was gay. They took turns punching his face, jaw, and stomach and calling him a “f****** f***** that should not be allowed to live.” The school administration oddly took the side of the attackers. Shortly after the attack, the media began to contact Dennis and he appeared on seven talk shows, including Larry King Live, and Sally Jessy Raphael. in 1990, Dennis testified in court to help pass a hate crimes bill that included minorities and LGBT individuals.
“Dennis’ life has not been easy. The growing realization that he was gay coupled with his parents’ use of religion to justify abuse and neglect led Dennis to have a very complicated relationship with love, God, and organized religion. After suffering from the violent attack, forced institutionalization, and heartbreak after heartbreak, Dennis was desperate for love and acceptance – he just didn’t know where to find it.”
“After years of searching, Dennis unexpectedly discovered a new family in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his book, “Is He Nuts? Why a Gay Man Would Become a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ” he shares the story of how he, a gay man, found his home in the church.”
Dennis now serves as a ward mission leader, assisting sisters and elders throughout New England to better understand how to work and deal with the LGBTQ community, creating a better understanding amongst all people.
In his book Dennis explains, “I am many things. I am a people person, a talker, a networker. I am a gay man, a survivor of a hate crime, an advocate for the LGBT community. I am a friend, a hugger, a Christian who has always believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am a son, a brother, a cousin. All of this and more collectively defines who and what I am.” ( ”Is He Nuts?” Cedar Fort Publishing, Schleicher)
Dennis teaches me how to love and how to forgive. He teaches me that there are new starts. He teaches me that sometimes you’ll do things you NEVER thought you’d do! And he shows me what true ministering is. In his own words, “Turn up the Love!”

Is He Nuts? Amazon’s Hot New Releases in Biographies

Is He Nuts? Ranking #2 in Mormonism 

#5 LGBT Biographie 

#9 Gay and Lesbian Biographies Memoirs

#11 in Christian Inspiration on;

Amazon Hot New Releases

Best-selling new and Featured.

I never in my 40+ years expected joining the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints, serving as a Ward Mission Leader, being a full temple recommend holder and writing a best-seller. 😮 


Experiencing Education Week at Brigham Young University

  • I spent this past week experiencing Education Week at @brighamyounguniversity and I LOVED it! It was amazing! If you have never attended this incredible event, I invite you to put it on your calendar for August 2020!
  • At first, I was hesitant to attend because I imagined it being college courses to learn
    Dennis Schleicher – BYU – Author

    math, business, science, etc. I had no clue that It was a week full of gospel learning that has strengthened my testimony of the @churchofjesuschrist. I would like to share my TOP 5️⃣ . this week:

  • 1️⃣ It serves me to serve you. It serves you to serve others.
  • 2️⃣ Do not ever be afraid of asking God for help. Do not feel guilty asking for the smallest of things, or even the biggest of things.
  • 3️⃣ Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have done their part, so now we need to do our part of preparing to receive their blessings. We fulfill our part by reading the scriptures and by studying the gospel.
  • 4️⃣ You would never judge anyone else if you only knew their life story.
  • 5️⃣ We need to always consider ourselves as students. There are “teachers” all around us, who help us to learn and grow.

TWO-year Anniversary of my Baptism as a Gay LDS Member

Today is the TWO-year Anniversary of my baptism as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

I remember opening my eyes during the opening prayer to look around the room at everyone who was there to support me: Derek & Shelby Hall, my ward members, many other close friends, and my parents.

I remember the feeling I had while immersed in the water and immediately afterwards. I was lightheaded, refreshed, with a new sense of well-being and a revitalized purpose in life. I felt peace. I had a new start to my life, a second chance to find true joy and meaning in life!

August 19, 2017 forever changed my life!

How long ago was it and what do you remember about your baptism day that made it special?

Come Follow Me (provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

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This week I was studying the New Testament from the study guide, Come Follow Me (provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I was studying about Paul and the horrible persecutions that many of those church members faced anciently. ⁣

⁣Today, we as followers of Christ, encounter many of the same hardships that they did. When people say harsh words to me and when Satan attacks, I have found that I forget my own challenges by serving others.  This week, the benefits of studying Paul’s teachings is that:⁣

1️⃣ I want to strive every day to provide random acts of kindness⁣
2️⃣ Be more receptive to listen to others⁣

❓What have you found best helps you to manage and tackle your daily challenges? When you get knocked down, what picks you back up again?⁣

Love, Dennis Schleicher

I’m Not a Gay Mormon Convert I am a Proud Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Who Happens to Be Gay and LGBTQ+

I believe in my heart through personal revelation, that our church is by far the most accepting of LGBTQ+ members. Based on what I’ve experienced. This may not be the case for past members or people who left the Church. All churches have experienced a lack of understanding or tolerance for people who are different, that was in the past. I have witness times have changed. Have you?

I understand that a lot of people may not comprehend or approve of me being gay and a worthy temple recommend holder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that a lot of my LGBTQ+ friends will never understand why I became a Latter-day Saint, or will distance themselves from me. It’s okay! I choose to love and care deeply for all my brothers and sisters! That’s the difference between someone who is striving to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and someone who needs to do a little more work loving and accepting those they may not understand. I’m writing this at the risk of losing friendships and work relationships and upsetting my family for divulging my innermost secrets and struggles. Nothing can change this if it needs to be done.

After years of searching, I unexpectedly discovered a new family in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Now secure in his relationship with the Church and with God. Now I share the story of how a gay man, found his home in the Church. Determined to be a survivor, not a victim, I use my life’s journey as a source of inspiration to help others in similar situations and to foster a better understanding of God’s many LGBTQ brothers and sisters in the world. I now love serving as a Ward Mission Leader, assisting sisters and elders throughout New England and the world.

“No matter your religion, faith background, sexual orientation, or race, I challenge you to choose love!”

~ Dennis Schleicher 

Motivational Speaker, Fireside, Devotionals Relief Society


Gay Convert Devotional and Fireside Pasadena Stake Center

Turn Up The Love Devotional – June 2 at the Pasadena Stake Center from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Join Dennis Schleicher as he shares his story as a gay man that was welcomed into the fold of God with open arms and was taught about the true nature of God’s love for everyone.  Follow Dennis’ journey from hate-crime victim to a Ward Mission Leader that helps hundreds of missionaries better reach the LGBTQ community.


Most LGBTQ are Victims of Cyberbullying Here’s How to Stay Safe Online

vpnMentor conducted a survey in which we asked 695 LGBTQ+ people worldwide about their experiences online as they relate to their sexual orientation and gender identity. The

73 percent of LGBTQ+ have reported being personally attacked or harassed on social media sites

results – referenced throughout this article – illuminated the unique challenges faced by the many LGBTQ+ communities.

Here are some of our key findings:+

  •  Alarming 73% of all who identify as LGBTQ, or any form of gender identity, sexual orientation have been personally attacked and harassed online.
  • 50% of all respondents in all categories of gender identity and sexual orientation have suffered sexual harassment online.
  • When it comes to sexual orientation, gay, lesbian, bisexual and the transgender community feels the least safe online.
  • When it comes to gender identity, many transgender women feel the least safe when harassed online. Gay men the safest.
  • Transgenders are most likely to be outed and bullied on social media platforms.  Unfortunately, against their will. With gay men are least likely, outed but still suffer many forms of harassment.

Experts in the field of cybersecurity it’s their mission to provide practical strategies for coping with all kinds of adversity, bigotry, and abuse on the web, which is why they created this guide.

Whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ community or are a straight ally, I hope you’ll find this guide informative.

Thank You to Stephany Huneidy at vpnMentor for emailing me the statistics through this blog. 

If you’re a victim of online harassment please share it with a friend, loved one, and family members.

Please, be safe when posting on any social media online website or platform.

Love and Hugs, Dennis Schleicher